DNA Analysis Services and Software www.sequentix.de

Population genetics

Our customer service:

  • Characterization of animal, plant or microbial populations by use of high-resolution techniques, e.g. molecular fingerprints [read more ...] and ITS sequencing.
  • Cluster analysis and reconstruction of the evolution [read more ...]
  • Visualisation of genetic relatedness

Our customers provide:

  • Organic samples or sequences (GenBank, FASTA, …)

What is the rationale for studying "molecular diversity"?
  • The basic principle behind life on earth is the use of DNA (=desoxy-ribonucleic acid) in all organisms as the basic template for morphology (How do I look like?) and physiology (How do I work?).
  • There are viruses which use RNA as their fundamental unit but it is still a matter of discussion whether viruses are organisms or not because they miss the presence of an own metabolism which is one issue in the definition of 'life'.
  • If DNA is the fundamental structure, we can use it to study similarity between organisms. In other words: the closer two organisms are the more similar their DNA is.
  • Therefore, we can use DNA sequence data to study the diversity of free living organisms as well as of pathogens living in the human body. It does not matter where organisms live, how the look like or how the function because DNA is an ubiquitous and better criterion to study relationships between them.

Keywords: population genetics, bacteria, fungi, plants, animals, human DNA, finerprinting, AFLP, ITS sequences, rDNA sequences, ribosomal RNA
SequentiX - Digital DNA Processing
Dorfstraße 9a
D-18249 Klein Raden
+49(0)38462 - 22333
+49(0)38462 - 339807
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Copyright © 2025-02-18, SequentiX - Digital DNA Processing, Klein Raden Germany