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Compilation of Papers

Scientific Papers Published by SequentiX Staff

MÜLLER, J., FRIEDL, T., HEPPERLE, D., LORENZ, M., DAY, J. G. (2005): Distinction between multiple isolates of Chlorella vulgaris (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae) and testing for conspecificity using amplified fragment length polymorphism and ITS rDNA sequences. Journal of Phycology 41: 1236-1247.
HEPPERLE, D. (2005): Zentrales Bindeglied - Bioinformatik verbindet Naturwissenschaften und beschleunigt Forschung. BioTec 11-12: 38-39.
BUCHHEIM, M., BUCHHEIM, J., CARLSON, T., BRABAND, A., HEPPERLE, D., KRIENITZ, L., WOLF, M., HEGEWALD, E. (2005): Phylogeny of the Hydrodictyaceae (Chlorophyceae): inferences from rDNA data. J. Phycol. 41: 1039-1054.
FIETZ, S., BLEIß, W., HEPPERLE, D., KOPPITZ, H., KRIENITZ, L., NICKLISCH, A. (2005): Fist record of Nannochloropsis limnetica (Eustigmatophyceae) in the autotrophic picoplankton from Lake Baikal. J. Phycol. 41: 780-790.

HEPPERLE, D. (2004): Align Ver.07/04©. Multisequence alignment-editor and preparation/manipulation of phylogenetic datasets. Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://www.sequentix.de.
HEPPERLE, D. (2004): SeqAssem©. A sequence analysis tool, contig assembler and trace data visualization tool for molecular sequences. Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://www.sequentix.de.
HEPPERLE, D. (2004): TreeMe©. A software for visualization, manipulation, layouting and labelling of phylogenetic trees. Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://www.sequentix.de.
KRIENITZ, L. , HEGEWALD, E.H., HEPPERLE, D. , HUSS, V.A.R., ROHR, T., WOLF, M. (2004): Phylogenetic relationship of Chlorella and Parachlorella nov. gen. (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae). Phycologia, in press.

HEPPERLE, D. (2003): TreeMeApplet©. A Java™-based web applet for the visualization, manipulation and layouting of phylogenetic trees with connection to databases. Distributed by the author via: http://science.do-mix.de.
HEPPERLE, D. (2003): Personal GenBank©. A software tool for maintaining databases of molecular sequence data. Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://www.sequentix.de.
JAHN, R., CRAWFORD, R.M., FRIEDL, T., LAZARUS, D., MEDLIN, L., REISSER, W., BESZTERI, B., GLÜCK, K., HAMANN, K., HEPPERLE, D., HINZ, F., HUCK, V., JOBST, A., KASTEN, J., KUSBER, W.-H., SALISCH, M., STRIEBEN, S. (2003): The BIOLOG project AlgaTerra: a database for research on microalgae diversity and systematics. P. 9 in: Organisms, Diversity & Evol. 3, Electronic Suppl. 2.
KRIENITZ, L., HEGEWALD, E., HEPPERLE, D., WOLF, M. (2003): The systematics of coccoid green algae: 18S rRNA gene sequence data versus morphology, Biologia Bratislava 58: 437-446.
SCHEFFLER, W., NICKLISCH, A., HEPPERLE, D. (2003): Dimorphism in Cyclotella pseudocomensis (Heterokontophyta, Bacillariophyceae) as revealed by morphological, ecological and molecular methods. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues Advanc. Limnol. 58: 157-173.
WOLF, M., HEPPERLE, D., LOTHAR KRIENITZ, L. (2003): On the Phylogeny of Radiococcus, Planktosphaeria and Schizochlamydella (Radiococcaceae, Chlorophyta), Biologia Bratislava 58: 1-7.
WOLF, M., HEGEWALD, E., HEPPERLE, D., KRIENITZ, L. (2003): Phylogenetic position of the Golenkiniaceae (Chlorophyta) as inferred from 18S rDNA sequence data, Biologia Bratislava 58: 433-436.

HEPPERLE, D. (2002): Sequar©. Management of sequencing projects for ABI3100 capillary sequencers. Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://science.do-mix.de.
HEPPERLE, D. (2002): Fingerprinter©. A software for the analysis, bin-assingment and 01-matrix construction of molecular fingerprints (AFLPs). Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://science.do-mix.de.
HEPPERLE, D. (2002): DesktopTimer©. A Desktop labtimer. Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://science.do-mix.de.
HEPPERLE, D. (2002): GelAnalyzer©. A software for exact sizing of DNA-fragments from electrophoretic gels. Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://science.do-mix.de.
HEPPERLE, D. (2002): PrimerTemperature©. A software for the calculation of primer annealing temperatures. Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://science.do-mix.de.
HEPPERLE, D., SCHLEGEL, I. (2002): Molecular diversity of eucaryotic picoalgae from three lakes in Switzerland. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 87: 1-10.
WOLF, M., BUCHHEIM, M., HEGEWALD, E., KRIENITZ, L., HEPPERLE, D. (2002): Phylogenetic position of the Sphaeropleaceae (Chlorophyta), Plant Syst. Evol., 230: 161-171.
SCHNEPF, E., SCHLEGEL, I., HEPPERLE, D. (2002): Petalomonas sphagnophila (Euglenophyta) and its endocytobiotic cyanobacteria: a unique form of symbiosis. Phycologia 41: 153-157.
WOLF, M., KRIENITZ, L., HEGEWALD, E., HEPPERLE, D. (2002): Phylogenetic position of Actinastrum hantzschii (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae), Algological Studies 104: 59-67.
CHAN, O.C., WOLF, M., HEPPERLE, D., CASPER, P. (2002): Methanogenic archaeal community in the sediment of an artificially divided acidic bog lake, FEMS Microbiology Ecology 42: 119-129.

HEPPERLE, D., KRIENITZ, L. (2001): Systematics and ecology of chlorophyte picoplankton in German inland waters along a nutrient gradient. Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. 86: 269-284.
HEGEWALD, E., HEPPERLE, D., WOLF, M., KRIENITZ, L. (2001): Phylogenetic placement of Chlorotetraedron incus, C. polymorphum and Polyedriopsis spinulosa (Neochlordaceae, Chlorophyta), Phycologia 40: 399-402.

HEPPERLE, D. & SCHMIDT-HALEWICZ, S. (2000): Opticount©. A software tool for the enumberation and biomass determination of plankton organisms and other particles. Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://science.do-mix.de.
HEPPERLE, D., HEGEWALD, E. & KRIENITZ, L. (2000): Phylogenetic position of the Oocystaceae (Chlorophyta), J. Phycol. 36: 590-595.
KRIENITZ, L., HEPPERLE, D., STICH, H.-B., WEILER, W. (2000): Nannochloropsis limnetica sp. nov. (Eustigmatophyceae), a new picoplanktont from small freshwater bodies. Phycologia 39: 219-227.
SCHLEGEL, I., KRIENITZ, L., HEPPERLE, D. (2000): Variability of calcification of Phacotus lenticularis (Chlorophyta, Chlamydomonadales) in nature and culture. Phycologia 39: 318-322.
LEWIN, R.A., KRIENITZ, L., GOERICKE, R., TAKEDA, H., HEPPERLE, D. (2000) : Picocystis salinarum gen. et sp. nov. (Chlorophyta) - new picoplanktonic green algae. Phycologia 39: 560-565.

KRIENITZ, L., TAKEDA, H. & HEPPERLE, D. (1999): Ultrastructure, cell wall composition and phylogenetic position of Pseudodictyosphaerium jurisii (Chlorophyta, Chlorococcales) in comparison to other picoplanctonic green algae. Phycologia 38: 100-107.

HEPPERLE, D., NOZAKI, H., HOHENBERGER, S., HUSS, V.A.R., MORITA, E. & KRIENITZ, L. (1998): Phylogenetic position of the Phacotaceae within the Chlamydophyceae as revealed by analysis of 18S rDNA- and rbcL-sequences. J. Mol. Evol. 47: 420-430.

HEPPERLE, D. & KRIENITZ, L. (1997): Phacotus lenticularis (Chlamydomonadales, Phacotaceae) zoospores require external supersaturation of calcium carbonate for calcification in culture. J. Phycol. 33: 415-424.

HEPPERLE, D. (1996): PubMan©. A reference manager for scientific purpos. Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://science.do-mix.de.
HEPPERLE, D. & KRIENITZ, L. (1996): The extracellular calcification of zoospores of Phacotus lenticularis (Chlorophyta, Chlamydomonadales). Eur. J. Phycol. 31: 11-21.

HEPPERLE, D. (1994): Exemplarische Untersuchung der jahreszeitlichen Entwicklung des Phytoplanktons im Neckar, Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg, pp. 125.
HEPPERLE, D. (1994): Chemulator©. A software for conversion of chemical units. Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://science.do-mix.de.
HEPPERLE, D. (1994): WinIAP©. Calculation of ion activities and calcite saturation index. Win32-Version. Distributed by the author via: http://science.do-mix.de.
HEPPERLE, D., HINDÁK, F. & KRIENITZ, L. (1994): TEM-investivation and X-ray microanalysis of Cephalomonas granulata Higinbotham 1942 (Chlorophyceae, Phacotaceae). Biologia (Bratislava) 49: 451-455.

KRIENITZ, L., KOSCHEL, R., GIERING, B., CASPER, S.J. & HEPPERLE, D. (1993): Phenomenology of organismic calcite precipitation by Phacotus in hardwater lakes and ponds of northeastern Germany. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 25: 170-174.

Invited Presentations - SequentiX Staff

HEPPERLE, D.: Alga Terra (BIOLOG): Phylogenie terrestrischer Algen und Online-Verknüpfung molekularer, taxonomischer, ökologischer und morphologischer Merkmale, Darmstadt, Germany, Jun 17, 2004.
FRIEDL, TH., HEPPERLE, D.: "What are Trebouxiophyceae? A review of assessing the phylogeny of coccal green algae", Phycological Society of America (PSA) Williamsburg/Virginia, USA. Aug 7 - 12, 2004.
HEPPERLE, D.: AlgaTerra - An information system for terrestrial algae. The COnservation of a vital european scientific and Biotechnological Resource: microAlgae and cyanobacteria (COBRA). Partners and Mid Term Review meeting, Göttingen, Germany, Jun 12-14, 2003.
HEPPERLE, D.: Biodiversität und Phylogenie terrestrischer Algen. Einladungvortrag, Systematisch-Geobotanisches Kolloquium, Göttingen, Germany, Jul 17, 2003.
HEPPERLE, D.: Molecular phylogeny and biodiversity of terrestrial microalgae. Einladungvortrag, Tagung der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, Freiburg, Germany, Sept 23, 2002.
HEPPERLE, D.: Diversität eukaryotischer Picoalgen. Einladungsvortrag, Albert-von-Haller-Institut, Universität Göttingen, Germany, Jan 30, 2001
HEPPERLE, D.: Beziehungen zwischen Genetik, Morphologie und Ökologie von Chlorophyceen. TU Dresden, Germany, Jan 06, 2000.
HEPPERLE, D.: Diversity of picoplanctonic green algae. Limnologisches Institut, Mondsee, Austria, May 09, 2000.
HEPPERLE, D.: Das wachsende Algenposter. 2. Geo-Tag der Artenvielfalt, Menz, Germany, May 27, 2000.
HEPPERLE, D.: Das wachsende Algenposter. 2. Geo-Tag der Artenvielfalt, Heidelberg, Germany, Jun 03, 2000.
HEPPERLE, D.: Mr. Bean & Colleques - Autotrophic Picoplankton. EAWAG/ETH, Kastanienbaum, Luzern, Switzerland, May 26, 1999.
HEPPERLE, D.: Molekularbiologische und ultrastrukturelle Charakterisierung der Phacotaceae. Limnologische Station der Technischen Universität München, Iffeldorf, Germany, Nov 20, 1997.
HEPPERLE, D.: Ultrastruktur der Phacotaceen (Chlamydomonadales). Kolloquium, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, Oct 1994.

Congress Contributions - SequentiX Staff

MUELLER, J., GAEBLER, S., SAUER, K., LORENZ, M., HEPPERLE, D., COMTE, K., TIMMERMANN, H., FRIEDL, T.: Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism in the context of cryopreservation: analyses of mutants and duplicate strains of cyanobacteria and green algae. COBRA meeting, March 25-26 2004, Trebon, Czech Republic.
MUELLER, J., GAEBLER, S., SAUER, K., LORENZ, M., HEPPERLE, D., TIMMERMANN, H., FRIEDL, T.: AFLP in genotypic stability tests for the cryopreservation of microalgae and cyanobacteria, SLTB 40th Annual Meeting 2004, September 9-10 2004, London, United Kingdom.
MUELLER, J., LORENZ, M., GAEBLER, S., HEPPERLE, D., SAUER, K., TIMMERMANN, H., DAY, J. G., FRIEDL, T.: AFLP in genotypic stability tests for the cryopreservation of mircroalgae and cyanobacteria, COBRA final meeting, September 30 - October 1 2004, Oban, United Kingdom.
GAEBLER, S., MUELLER, J., HEPPERLE, D., FRIEDL, T.. Converting Amplified Fragment Lenght Polymorphic (AFLP) fragments to sequencing tags. COBRA meeting, March 25-26 2004, Trebon, Czech Republic.
GAEBLER, S., MUELLER, J., HEPPERLE, D., FRIEDL, T.: Sequencing of AFLP-fragments in microalgae: a way to detect genes linked to cryosensitivity / - resistance?, SLTB 40th Annual Meeting 2004, September 9-10 2004, London, United Kingdom.
MUELLER, J., LORENZ, M., HEPPERLE, D., GAEBLER, S., SAUER, K., DAY, J.G., FRIEDL, T.: AFLP in the context of cryopreservation and intraspecific analyses of microalgae, Botanikertagung, September 5-10 2004, Braunschweig, Germany.
GAEBLER, S., MUELLER, J., HEPPERLE, D., FRIEDL, T.: Sequencing of AFLP fragments from mircoalgae, Botanikertagung, September 5-10 2004, Braunschweig, Germany.
GAEBLER, S., MUELLER, J., HEPPERLE, D., FRIEDL, T.: Sequencing of AFLP fragments from mircoalgae, COBRA final meeting, September 30 - October 1 2004, Oban, United Kingdom.
HEPPERLE, D.: Phylogenie terrestrischer Algen, Vortrag, 9. wissenschaftliche Tagung der Sektion Phykologie, Bad Münster am Stein, Germany, Apr 27 - 30, 2003.
HEPPERLE, D. & FRIEDL, TH.: AlgaTerra - Molecular phylogeny and biodiversity of terrestrial algae, Vortrag, p. 55-56 in: Book of Abstracts. Third European Phycological Congress, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Jul 21 - 26, 2003.
HEPPERLE, D., MARRERO, A. & FRIEDL, T. 2003: Documentation of characters of terrestrial algae in culture: rDNA sequence analyses, morphology and cryo-preservation of reference strains. Poster, Pp. 191-192 in: International Symposium "Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity", Symposium Report, Part A, Berlin, Germany, Dec 1 - 4, 2003.
MUELLER, J., TIMMERMANN, H., HEPPERLE, D., LORENZ, M., DAY, J.G., FRIEDL, T.: Genetic integrity of cryopreserved microalgae. Treffen der Sektion Phykologie der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, April 27-30 2003, Bad Muenster am Stein, Germany.
MUELLER, J., TIMMERMANN, H., LORENZ, M., HEPPERLE, D., DAY, J.G. & FRIEDL, T.: The AFLP method for assessing the genetic stability in cryopreservation. COBRA Mid term review meeting, June 12-14 2003; Goettingen, Germany.
MUELLER, J., TIMMERMANN, H., HEPPERLE, D., LORENZ, M., DAY, J.G., FRIEDL, T.: Genetic integrity of cryopreserved microalgae: molecular markers of post-preservation stability tests. The Third European Phycological Congress, July 21-26 2003, Belfast, Ireland.
KRIENITZ, L., WOLF, M., HEGEWALD, E., HEPPERLE, D. : Systematics of coccoid green algae: Morphology versus 18S rRNA Gene Phylogeny, Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae, Smoleniče, Cech Republik, Jul 2002.
FRIEDL, T. & HEPPERLE, D. (2002): Evolution of green algae: a review based on molecular phylogenetic analyses. In: Abstract of Algae2002, Tsukuba, Japan. Jul 19 - 24, 2002.
Wolf, M., Krienitz, L., Hegewald, E., HEPPERLE, D. : Phylogenetic Position of the Golenkiniaceae (Chlorophyta) as inferred from 18S rDNA sequence data, Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae, Smoleniče, Cech Republik, Jul 2002.
KRIENITZ, L., WOLF, M., HEGEWALD, E., HEPPERLE, D. : Systematics of coccoid green algae: Morphology versus 18S rRNA Gene Phylogeny, Botany 2002, Botany in the Curriculum: Integrating Research and Teaching, Meeting of the Phycologial Society of America, Madison, USA, Aug 2 - 7, 2002.
JAHN, R., CRAWFORD, R.M., FRIEDL, T., LAZARUS, D., MEDLIN, L., REISSER, W., BESZTERI, B., GLÜCK, K., HAMANN, K., HEPPERLE, D., HINZ, F., HUCK, V., JOBST, A., KASTEN, J., KUSBER, W.-H., SALISCH, M., STRIEBEN, S. 2002: Datenverfügbarkeit für die Systematische Forschung an Mikroalgen. - Abstract, 5. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, München, Germany, Sep 18 - 20, 2002.
JAHN, R., MEDLIN, L., CRAWFORD, R.M., FRIEDL, T., LAZARUS, D., GÄRTNER, G., KUSBER, W.-H., BESZTERI, B., HAMANN, K., HEPPERLE, D., HINZ, F., HUCK, V., JOBST, A., KASTEN, J., STRIEBEN, S. & TESKE, K. 2002: Taxonomische, molekulare und ökologische Information zu Diatomeen: Planung des Informations-Systems "AlgaTerra". Pp. 51-52 in Rott, E. & Binder, N. (eds): 16. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen mit internationaler Beteiligung, Innsbruck, Austria, Mar 15 - 17, 2002.
JAHN, R., MEDLIN, L., CRAWFORD, R.M., FRIEDL, T., LAZARUS, D., KUSBER, W.-H., BESZTERI, B., HAMANN, K., HEPPERLE, D., HINZ, F., HUCK, V., JOBST, A., KASTEN, J., STRIEBEN, S. & TESKE, K. 2002: Taxonomic, molecular and ecological information on diatoms: the Information System AlgaTerra. – 17th International Diatom Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, Aug 25 - 31, 2002.
JAHN R., BESZTERI B., CRAWFORD R.M., FRIEDL T., HAMANN K., HEPPERLE D., HINZ F., JOBST A., KUSBER W.-H., LAZARUS D., MEDLIN L., REISSER W., SALISCH M., STRIEBEN S., TESKE K., VAN DE PEER Y.: AlgaTerra: An Information System for Terrestrial Algal Biodiversity. A synthesis of taxonomic, molecular and ecological information. P. 36 in: Program & Abstracts; International Meeting of Culture Collections of Algae: increasing accessibility and exploring Algal Biodiversity, Göttingen, Sep 2 - 6, 2002.
MÜLLER J., HEPPERLE D., DAY J.G., FRIEDL T. (2002) Molecular markers in genotypic post-preservation stability tests for the cryopreservation of microalgae. In: Abstracts of Culture Collections of Algae: increasing accessibility and exploring Algal Biodiversity. Poster, Sammlung von Algenkulturen at Göttingen University (SAG), Göttingen, Germany, Sep. 2 - 6, 2002.
JAHN, R., MEDLIN L., CRAWFORD R.M, FRIEDL T., LAZARUS D., KUSBER W.-H., BESZTERI B., HAMANN K., GLÜCK K., HEPPERLE D., HINZ F., HUCK V., JOBST A., KASTEN J., STRIEBEN S.: Taxonomic, molecular and ecological information on diatoms: The Information System AlgaTerra. P. 37 in: Program & Abstracts; International Meeting of Culture Collections of Algae: increasing accessibility and exploring Algal Biodiversity, Göttingen, Sep 2 - 6, 2002.
MUELLER, J., HEPPERLE, D., DAY, J.G., FRIEDL, T.: Molecular markers in genotypic post-preservation stability tests for the cryopreservation of microalgae. Cryopreservation and Safe Keeping of Cells and Tissues, May 13-15 2002, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
KRIENITZ, L., HEGEWALD, E., HEPPERLE, D., WOLF, M. (2002): Systematisches Konzept von Familien und Gattungen coccaler Grünalgen, Tagungsbericht 2001 der DGL. - Tutzing, 2002. - S. 585-588.
HEPPERLE, D.: Phylogenie der Coelastraceae (Chlorophyta). Vortrag, 8. wissenschaftliche Tagung der Sektion Phykologie, Helgoland, Germany, Feb 15 - 18, 2001
HEPPERLE, D.: Diversity of eukaryotic picoalgae, Vortrag, 7th International Phycological Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece, Aug 18 - 25, 2001.
WOLF, M., KRIENITZ, L., BUCHHEIM, M., HEPPERLE, D.: Phylogenetic position of the Sphaeropleaceae (Chlorophyta), Poster, 7th International Phycological Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece, Aug 18 - 25, 2001.
CHAN, O.C., CASPER, P., WOLF, M., HEPPERLE, D.: Archaeal Community in the Sediment of an Artificially Divided Acidic Bog Lake as Revealed by DGGE Analysis of 16S rRNA Gene, 9th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME-9), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Aug 26 - 31, 2001.
CHAN, O.C., CASPER, P., WOLF, M., HEPPERLE, D.: Archaeal community in the sediment of an artificially divided acidic bog lake as revealed by DGGE analysis of 16S rRNA gene, Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Kiel, Germany, Sept 17 - 21, 2001.
CHAN, O.C., CASPER, P., WOLF, M., HEPPERLE, D.: Archaea im Sediment eines künstlich geteilten, natürlich sauren Gewässers in NO-Deutschland, DAAD-BioForum - Berlin: Grenzenlos forschen?, Berlin, Germany, Jun 7 - 10, 2001.
KRIENITZ, L., HEGEWALD, E., HEPPERLE, D., WOLF, M.: Systematsiches Konzept von Familien und Gattungen coccaler Grünalgen: Morphologie versus 18S rRNA-Gen-Sequenzen, Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL). Kiel, Kiel, Sept 17 - 21, 2001.
SCHMIDT-HALEWICZ, S., HEPPERLE, D. 2001: OPTICOUNT - ein verbessertes Tool zur mikroskopischen Planktonzählung. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL), Kiel, Sept 17 - 21, 2001.
FRIEDL, T., HEPPERLE, D. & VAN DE PEER, Y. 2001: Documentation of characters of terrestrial algae in culture: rDNA sequence analyses, morphology and cryopreservation of reference strains. Pp. 238-239. In: BIOLOG - German Programme on Biodiversity and Global Change. Status Report 2001. Bonn, Germany. 2001.
WOLF, M., KRIENITZ, L., HEGEWALD, E., HEPPERLE, D.: Schizochlamydella eine Chlorella, Poster, Botanikertagung, Jena, Germany, Sept 17 - 22, 2000.
HEPPERLE, D., HEGEWALD, E., WOLF, M., KRIENITZ, L.: Phylogenetic Position of the Coelastraceae (Chlorophyta) , Poster, Botanikertagung, Jena, Germany, Sept 17 - 22, 2000.
WOLF, M., KRIENITZ, L., HEGEWALD, E., HEPPERLE, D.: Schizochlamydella eine Chlorella, Poster, Botanikertagung, Jena, Germany, 17.-22.09.2000.
Scheffler, W., A. Nicklisch & D. Hepperle. Dimorphismus bei Cyclotella pseudocomensis (Bacillariophyceae Centrales). Abstract 14. Deutschsprachige Diatomologen Tagung, Bern, Switzerland, 2000.
HEPPERLE, D.: Mr. Bean & Kollegen - Autotrophes Picoplankton. Vortrag, 7. wissenschaftliche Tagung der Sektion Phykologie, Bad Münster, Germany, Mar 8 -11, 1999.
HEPPERLE, D.: Biodiversität picoplanktischer Grünalgen. Vortrag, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Jahrestagung 1999, Rostock, Germany, Sept 27 - Oct 01, 1999.
KRIENITZ, L., HEPPERLE, D.: Present state of the systematics of picoplanktonic coccoid chlorophycean algae. Vortrag, XVI International Botanical Congress, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA, Aug 1 - 7, 1999.
KRIENITZ, L. & HEPPERLE, D.: Systematics and ecology of chlorophycean picoplankton in German inland waters of different trophic state. Vortrag. 12th International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology Workshop, Winnipeg, Canada, Sept 6 - 16, 1999.
HEPPERLE, D., HEGEWALD, E. & KRIENITZ, L.: Systematics of chlorococcal algae as revealed by molecular analysis. Vortrag. 12th International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology Workshop, Winnipeg, Canada, Sept 6 - 16, 1999
KRIENITZ, L. & HEPPERLE, D.: Zum Stand der Systematik picoplanktischer coccaler Chlorophyceen. Vortrag. Workshop zum Jubiläum: 40 Jahre limnologische Forschung am Stechlinsee“. Neuglobsow, Germany, Jun 10, 1999.
KRIENITZ, L. & HEPPERLE, D.: Planktonic cyanobacteria of the oligotrophic Lake Stechlin (Brandenburg). Vortrag , Kongress der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, Bremen, Germany, Aug 30 - Sept 6, 1998.
HEPPERLE, D.: Phylogenetic position of the Phacotaceae (Chlamydomondales, Chlorophyta): Ultrastructure and molecular data, Vortrag, 6th International Phycological Congress (IPC), Leiden, Netherlands, Aug 10 - 16, 1997
HEPPERLE, D.: Kalzitsättigungsindex und Kalzifizierung von Phacotus lenticularis (Chlorophyta, Chlamydophyceae), Vortrag, 6. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Sektion Phykologie in der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, Friedrichroda, Germany, Mar 17 - 20, 1997
HEPPERLE, D.: Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Systematik der Phacotaceae, Vortrag, 5. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Sektion Phykologie in der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, Hofgeismar, Germany, Mar 6 - 9, 1995
KRIENITZ, L. & HEPPERLE, D.: Systematik und Phylogenie der Phacotaceae (Chlamydomonadales), Vortrag, Congress of the German Botanical Society, Bayreuth, Germany, Sept 11 - 19, 1994
HEPPERLE, D.: Comparative investigations on species of Phacotaceae, Vortrag, Internationales Symposium: “Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae II”, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, Sept 12 - 19, 1993
KRIENITZ, L., KOSCHEL, R., GIERING, B., CASPER, S.J. & HEPPERLE, D.: Phenomenology of organismic calcite precipitation by Phacotus in hardwater lakes and ponds of northeastern Germany, Vortrag, 25th SIL Congress in Barcelona 1992, Proc. Int. Assoc. Theor. Appl. Limnol. 25: 170-174. 1992.
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